Important Announcement

Recently some information appears from different channels about whether the UV lamp is useful for disinfecting the COVID-19 virus and if it is safe or how to use it correctly. Concerning those sayings, we officially state that all the information about the UV lamp, UV light, and product descriptions are based on the existing public sources and articles, and product manufacturers. We do not test the UV light's physical, technical, medical specification, and effectiveness, nor guarantee the UV lamps supplied from this website are effective in sterilization for COVID-19 virus as manufacturers describe it. Therefore, whether obtaining or using the UV lamps is your (customers) own decision. We strongly recommend all users observe the safety codes, procedures, and methods while using the UV lamps and pay close attention to UV lamp applications published in public sources, government departments, and relative industries. Best wishes you all are staying safe and healthy, success to overcome the COVID-19 pandemics soon!